
Nine Ways to Add Years to Your Life


Americans today are living longer than ever, with the average life expectancy now 80 years for women and 75 for men. And while genetics play a big role in determining how many birthdays you’ll celebrate, lifestyle choices are equally important. Who knows, these nine simple tips may add years to your life.

Floss. Your risk of heart disease goes up if bacteria from gum disease enter your bloodstream. Add as many as six years to your life with biannual dental checkups, twice-daily brushings and daily flossing.

Pet Fido. Blood pressure and stress hormone levels drop—and the happy hormone oxytocin rises—when you’re around animals. Regularly walking and playing with a pet may add a year to your life.

Drive smart. You could live three additional years simply by wearing your seat belt and driving within five miles per hour of the speed limit.

Stop smoking. Female smokers who kick the habit by age 35 substantially lower their risk of cancer and heart disease, and live an average of eight years longer than those who continue to light up.

Protect your skin. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can wreak havoc on your skin over time, sometimes leading to skin cancer. Using products with SPF that can help protect against those rays is essential – especially for areas that are frequently exposed like your face. Simple Skincare ® Protecting Light Moisturizer SPF 15 is ideal for faces because it won’t make your skin feel weighed down.

Get moving. Exercise boosts heart health, and people who work out -- even doing something as simple as walking 30 minutes a day -- can add three years to their lives.

Be a weight watcher. A body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9 takes three years off your life, while obesity (a BMI of 30 or higher) takes seven. Extra pounds strain your heart and raise the risk of diabetes.

Heap on the whole grains. Boost your longevity by four years by eating six servings a day of whole-grain bread, cereal, pasta, rice and other products. The antioxidants, fiber and vitamins found in whole grains help protect your heart and lower your cancer risk.

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