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Families with children in 3rd-5th grade are invited to participate in free simultaneous support groups for neurodivergent children and their parents/caregivers to improve psychosocial wellness, build executive functioning skills and habits, organize successful daily routines, and find support from others. February 7 - April 17
The groups will sometimes be held together and other times work separately to address skill building and support. Accepting up to 8 parent & child dyads. Children with ADHD, Anxiety, and/or Autism (who participate in a general education setting) and their parents are the target population.
Facilitated by Radford University Occupational Therapy Students and Faculty.
*Registration is required. Please contact Kaley Sweeney to register: (540) 819-0537.
Families with children in 3rd - 5th grade.
*Registration is required. Please contact Kaley Sweeney to register: (540) 819-0537.