
Celebrating Valentine's Day as a Family

By Shannon O'Donnell February 7, 2024

Celebrating Valentine's Day with children can be a delightful and inclusive experience for the whole family. Here are some creative and family-friendly ideas to make the day special, especially if you do not have childcare and are unable to do date night.

  1. Valentine's Day Crafts:
    • Set up a crafting station with red, pink, and white materials.
    • Make homemade Valentine's Day cards for family members or friends.
    • Create heart-shaped crafts, like paper plate wreaths, handprint cards, or tissue paper flowers.
  2. Baking Together:
    • Bake heart-shaped cookies or cupcakes as a family.
    • Allow the children to decorate their treats with icing, sprinkles, and edible glitter.
    • Enjoy the delicious creations together.
  3. Family Movie Night:
    • Pick a family-friendly romantic movie or an animated film with a love theme.
    • Create a cozy movie-watching area with blankets and pillows.
    • Prepare some popcorn and snacks for everyone to enjoy.
  4. Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt:
    • Set up a scavenger hunt with heart-shaped clues leading to small treats or surprises.
    • Hide Valentine's Day-themed items around the house or in the backyard for the kids to find.
  5. Love-themed Story Time:
    • Choose books with love or friendship themes to read together as a family.
    • Create a cozy reading corner with blankets and pillows.
  6. Heartfelt Dinner:
    • Prepare a special Valentine's Day dinner together as a family.
    • Let the children help with age-appropriate tasks like setting the table or mixing ingredients.
  7. Family Game Night:
    • Play board games or card games with a Valentine's Day twist.
    • Create your own games like "Heart Bingo" or "Cupid Says" for some family-friendly fun.
  8. DIY Decorations:
    • Involve the kids in decorating the house with homemade heart garlands, paper chains, or other festive decorations.
  9. Planting Seeds of Love:
    • Plant flowers or heart-shaped seeds together in a garden or small pots.
    • Discuss the importance of nurturing and caring for the plants, drawing parallels to love and relationships.
  10. Express Gratitude:
    • Take turns expressing what you love and appreciate about each family member.
    • Create a gratitude jar where family members can write notes of appreciation for one another.

Remember, the most important aspect is spending quality time together and creating positive memories. Adjust activities based on the ages and interests of your children, and most importantly, have fun celebrating love and togetherness as a family on Valentine's Day.