
2023-2024 Blacksburg Children's Chorale

August 17, 2023

The Blacksburg Children's Chorale is the place to grow your child's musicianship this year! Singers as young as 3rd grade can join - no prior musical experience required. Whether singers are continuing in BCC or building on musicianship they've gained through years of instrumental or singing experience, BCC fosters an environment for growth for everyone, serving singers until they complete the 12th grade!

Our vibrant director, Amy Hill has a gift for connection and brings out the best in every kid. There is a simple and friendly audition process. We want to learn about what your singer already knows, hear the timbre and development of their voice, and find out what we can teach them in their first year of singing with BCC! The final round of auditions for the 2023-24 season of BCC will be held on August 22-23. If you have a child is interested, email for an audition slot now!

We offer the "Cherub Choir" for singers in their first few years, and the "Cantate Choir" for our advanced group. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 4:30-6 for cherubs, and 5:30-7:30 for our older choir, at the Blacksburg Presbyterian Church. Our season begins with a “Super Sleuth” Kickoff Camp August 25-26, and rehearsals pick up on August 29.

Visit our website, to view our season calendar, or for a short informational video. Follow along on Facebook or Instagram and keep up with us, if you can! 

There's a place for every child in the BCC!

Did you know that on the first Friday night of every December, the Blacksburg Children's Chorale carols through downtown Blacksburg? They end at the performance site across from the Lyric Theatre where they give a cheery winter concert. Then they join the Mayor of Blacksburg at the top of the hill for the town tree lighting! (And that appears on the local news!) The fun doesn’t end there – BCC then hops on a float and sings through the streets in Blacksburg’s Christmas parade. Don't miss out on the fun! If you know a child who would love to be a part of all of this, send us an email to schedule an audition. (The final round of auditions will be August 22-23th for the 2023-24 season. Don't wait!)